Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weekend miscellania

August 30, 2012

The weekend was quiet.Here is a picture of the kitties doing what they do best - snoozing on the bed. This is the waterbed, which is so very uncomfortable for me to sleep on. Scott loves it so he sleeps on his bed and I usually sleep on the sofa. The kitties however love to sprawl on the bed during the daytime. The top right corner is Weensie, The top middle is Mai Fun, and the bottom left is V.
This is my porch planter. I haven't filled it in with soil and plated in it directly since I have to take the plants inside for the winter. I pot my plants then place the pots into the planter.
 These photos are of my favorite succulent. I have no idea what it is but would love to know.

 My lime basil! Love this stuff. There are copper butterflies also that I put into the put :)
The bed of ivy beside the house that is starting to creep up over the walls again. 

For dinner Friday night Scott and I went tot he Kentucky Fried Chicken buffet. I LOVE brown gravy and the breading they use on the chicken. I tend to get wings since they have lots of breading. I also tend to get a lot of gravy and eat it with the fresh made biscuits. I have SO MISSED biscuits. Here is my plate. LOTS of gravy!

Afterwards we went home and I played some MW3 split screen with Scott. I can't play much, the level of violence is disturbing to me, but I like to do something with him. He had a couple of shots of the cinnamon whisky in the freezer and I tried it. It is VERY good! Tastes just like an atomic fireball candy!

I snuggled with the dog a bit and we took some photos. This is the dog - he is a miniature dachshund. He was names Otis but we call him Odie or Schnouticus. He thinks I am the center of his world - why i have NO CLUE.

Take care!

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