Thursday, August 23, 2012

dogs and cats sleeping together, oasis, 1st class of term

August 22, 2012

Here is the story of my life - dogs and cats sleeping together. For those of you who have not yet met the dog, his name is Otis, we call him Odie or Shnouticus. he is a mini dachshund. The kitty on the right is Tera, the terrorist. I thought this was especially fitting to share given the nature of my first class today. This was taken in the wee hours of the morning since I cannot seem to make my body understand I am not still in Hawaii.

First day of class for the Fall term. Today was my "Public Health Response to Terrorism and Natural Disasters" class with Dr. Sabrina Walsh. I think it is going to be very interesting. She says that she is often called "Dr. Death" because she works primarily with fatality data. that includes the Kentucky Violent Death Reporting System (KVDRS) which she developed, and further work on suicides and SUIDS. I also got with her and talked about the data I will be working on with her this term. We scheduled a meeting for tomorrow at 11:30 to go over more specifics. I am quite excited about that also.

We received cd's on AAP - Agroterrorism Awareness Program. It has a module on it that we are assigned to work through. At the end you get a certificate of completion which we turn in. This was developed by the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center, Terrorism Response and Preparedness group. They have a selection of terrorism information and modules, found at this link. Only a couple are actual links but if you are interested in any of them you can contact the KIPRC for more information.

After class Jeff picked me up and we went to Oasis - our favorite Mediterranean and Lebanese restaurant. I have missed Oasis SO MUCH! I got the vegetarian lover's. I always substitute out more falafel instead of the moussaka. I have included a picture of moujadara - not what I ate but one from the web so you can see what it looks like. At Oasis it is not served on the bed of crispy onions.

Vegetarian Lover $11.95
five of our vegetarian specialties: Grape leaves, falafel,Hummus, Moujadara & Moussaka. Served with a Salad.

Moujadara $10.95
Lentils and rice, cooked in olive oil, topped with sauted onions and served with salad or yogurt sauce

I forgot to take pictures!!! I will have to get back into the habit of that now that I am home and blogging.

Michael is home sick, he has a stomachache, sore throat, headache and fever. Scott is starting to feel sick also. I REALLY don't want to get whatever it is they seem to be sharing. Wish me luck in plague avoidance!

See you soon!


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