Friday, August 31, 2012

Quiet week, food, and kittens!

August 31, 2012

This has been an interesting week.

Let me start with Tera and her tera-rism of the week. This past weekend we got Tera and the other cats some new toys. They are about 2 inches long, stuffingless little animals. Tera loves to play fetch with them and decided Monday morning that while I was sitting at my computer trying to do some work that this was the time to show me her toy. She lays down on my desk and drops her little skunk onto my keyboard, then smacks at it continually till I pick it up and either toss it to her to chase or just toss it on the desk again. At which time she picks it up and drops it back onto my keyboard. Repeat.

I also went to lunch at BBB and had some super yummies. I had a cup of the tomato bisque soup (very good as usual) and a hazelnut latte.

I tried something new from Trader Joe's this week. That is a super awesome grocery by the way. We just got one in Lexington while I was gone this summer. I went this weekend and got some items and am in love with the store. I got a package of sundried tomato and goat cheese ravioli and a jar of vodka tomato sauce. I had this for lunch one day before class. WOW. SUPER GREAT!!!!! The picture does not do justice for how yummy it is.

Also this week I had my first Advanced Epidemiology class. This is taught by Dr. Steve Browning, the same professor as my Social Epidemiology course. I already posted his info on an earlier post. The level of these courses is extremely high, it is going to be very challenging. I am looking forward to it.

All of my books are ordered but have not all come in yet. I hope the will arrive soon so I can get caught up on my reading. I have kept up with all the assigned articles and been able to participate in the discussions in class but I don't want to get behind on the reading. It is hard to catch up on things when there is constant new reading being assigned.

Speaking of which, Michael caught up on his assignments from when he was ill last week. He got a serious lesson in how hard it is to catch up when you have a lot of homework assigned on a daily basis. He was caught up by Wednesday evening so on Thursday evening we were able to go out to dinner with Granny (Scott's mom) at Cracker Barrel. I have missed Cracker Barrel! I didn't get photos :(  I had the chicken and dumplings with greens (cooked with country ham YUM), pinto beans (which I ate with cornbread YUM), and fried okra. I started liking fried okra this summer. Granny got fried catfish, greens and fries. Michael and Scott both got french toast with sausage, eggs, and split some biscuits and gravy. We had a great but very fattening meal! YUM YUM YUM.

Also of note, Donna is bottle feeding baby kittens. I went over after dinner with granny and got to get some baby kitten time. They are very cute. They don't have homes so if anyone is interested then speak up! If you want baby kittens we can make your dreams come true! I suggested that she contact Woodstock and see if they had room to put them into the adoption program since they are little and kittens get adopted faster than adult cats.

That is all for now. Take care!

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