Thursday, August 23, 2012

Party and relaxing Sunday

August 20, 2012

It was a fun weekend. Saturday morning I went to the Lexington Farmer's Market downtown with Jeff. We were getting a few things for the party. I want to go take lots of photos another day but this was just a fast trip to get a couple of things. We did run into his dad down there so we talked to him for a bit. We got a GREAT deal on a HUGE box of corn - $10.00 for about 35 ears of corn instead of $0.50 each. The Saturday market is held in the pavillion downtown. Here is an image of it.

Next we went to Kroger's, which is one of the local supermarkets to get the rest of the party items. We made a quick trip of it and I didn't even have to ride int he little motorized cart. We went back to Jeff's new place and organized a bit for the party. We paused for a while and sat on the porch enjoying the neighborhood. A city council person came by campaigning. We went inside and watched Episodes 1 and 2 of Season 2 of Game of Thrones. This is a FABULOUS series by HBO - Here is another link to information about it. This is an HBO series based off a series of books. It is VERY good if you like fantasy. I have been extremely impressed. I think so far my favorite character is Daenerys Targaryen, the Keleesi. I actually like a lot of the characters, but I just think she is really strong.

Jeff's Sister Julie, her husband Greg and their toddler Drew stopped by and visited. I hadn't seen Drew since he was a baby. He is now about 2 I believe. Julie is expecting, another boy! It was good to get to see them.

After that it was about time for guests to arrive for the party. So we set up a couple of folding tables in the back yard and started setting the food supplies out there. Paper plates and saucers, plastic utensils, napkins, bags of hamburger and hot dog buns, condiments, chips, dips, and the like. Witht he help of Jeff's brother John they started up the grill. All in all about 25 people came to the party, some adults, some little kids (Max and Justin are twin 15 month old boys) and several teens/young adults. A couple of Cebu folks came, and we had a great time. We ate and ate and ate. Two highlights were Rob and Scott using a hatchet  to open the coconuts I sent home. This is Rob opening his and winning against the mighty coconut!

Scott and one of the Cebu guys opened the one I sent for Scott and Michael. The Cebu guy showed him how to do it without fighting the coconut for a long time. I think the Cebu guys got a huge laugh out of watching us haole (white) folks try to open a coconut husk.

The second high point was when Joan and Liz brought out a cupcake and flower lei for the birthday cake! We were celebrating my 39th birthday and Hunter's 16th birthday, my return home and Jeff's housewarming. So we had lots to celebrate! The yellow frosted ones were chocolate cake and the pink frosted ones were funfetti (white cake with colored sprinkles baked in) cake. There are mini red roses witht he cupcakes as well. It was a super fun and thoughtful thing to do. Thank you Joan and Liz for making this birthday so memorable with such a fun cake!

We all hung around and ate, talked, threw a frisbee and just enjoying each other's company. It was a lot of fun and we should do it again soon. I was apparently the favored mosquito snack, coming away from the party with 42 mosquito bites. Apparently I am mosquito bait! Scott, Michael, Rob and I went back to my place so i could prop up my ankle and we just talked and hug out for a few hours till Rob went home and we all went to sleep. We are such party animals, hehe.

Sunday was housework, Scott worked more on the Miata, finishing what he wanted to get done. We all did some homework. We ate about 12 ears of corn Saturday and I had brought the rest home. I cut it off the cobs and with Scott's help bagged it and got it in the freezer. I got 11 pint size bags of corn from what was left. One bag is basically a side item in a meal for the 3 of us, so that is a lot of meals of corn! We ordered a pizza for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Supernatural on Netflix.

That is all for the weekend, happy new week to everyone!

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