Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tera-rism and Social Epidemiology

August 23, 2012

To begin, I have just watched Tera (the crazy terrorist cat) go over to one of the printers and gleefully hit the test page button. MULTIPLE TIMES to watch the machine print and spit out a paper. The first time she walked over the machine and just coincidentally stepped on the test page button. It didn't take her long to realize that if she hit the button a paper pops out. I can see this is going to be a future problem. I will have to figure out how to Tera-proof the machine. The only way I can think of to do that currently is to turn the power off. Mind you, this is also the cat that figured out how to open the freezer door.

Today was my Social Epidemiology class. I am not sure I am going to like this class as much as my other Epi classes but it is hard to say so early. Social Epi is more of a social ecology type class - everything affects everything else. Basically that no person or thing lives in a vacuum on this planet and we can't look at the individual epi issues without taking the environment that individual exists within into account also. It isn't as clearly cut as some other epi concepts. However, the class itself will be interesting.

This class, and my Tuesday class (Advanced Epidemiology) is taught by Dr. Steven Browning. My original Epi class was team taught and Dr. Browning taught a portion of that. He has a relaxed teaching style and is quite funny as well. This social Epi class is half PhD students from a variety of disciplines including Biostatistics, Communications, Environmental Health, Health Resource Management, Gerontology, and Medical Students. The other half (including me) are Master's degree students from a variety of specialty areas including MPH Health Behavior, Epidemiology, Environmental Health and other majors who wanted cross-disciplinary studies. 5 of the students are PhD students of dual programs Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Suffice to say, the classroom discussions are intense and at a very high level of understanding. I am looking forward to that part of this course. This is Dr. Browning.

I also met with Dr. Walsh and I got my HIPAA certification forms turned in for her project and also to allow me to be added to her IRB forms. We discussed my portion of the project. I am VERY excited about this. I will be working with suicide data and working on a publication. Dr. Walsh is out of town for 2 weeks but we are going to get working on this starting September 7th when she returns. That is great since it gives me a couple of weeks to get working on things for this school term and get a bit ahead.

The Social Epi class meets 12-2:30 so I wasn't leaving class at a time i could catch a ride. I walked home which was less than fun or ideal on the ankle. However, I took some lovely photos of things I passed along the way.

 These next 2 photos are taken from the end of my street. You all can get a view of what it looks like here.

Dinner was a Meat lover's Pizza from Papa John's, garlic parmesan breadsticks and soda. Not exactly healthy by any stretch of the imagination but very tasty! The guys played some Modern Warfare 3 on the Xbox and then it was time for bed. I let Michael sleep on the sofa since he was still sick. I played an hour of DDO with Rob online then went to bed myself. A quiet evening :)

Until tomorrow, take care,

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love Tera and the printer - I really do think that the world would have to WATCH OUT if she and Ahulani ever teamed up!
