Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cleaning, tacos, ice cream and library

August 15, 2012

I had a very busy day today. I woke up around 7ish so I could see the boy off to his first day of high school. Scott was also getting up and ready so I had a bit of morning time with them. I am so not a morning person myself. So everyone got headed off to work or school. I started on the house. I started laundry and cleaned the laundry room, dining room, kitchen, and my office. I unpacked and put everything away. I cleaned out the refrigerator, a very scary undertaking. I sorted through all my mail and got that dealt with. By then it was around lunchtime and Scott came home. I went and sat on the sofa with him then immediately fell asleep. I slept till almost 4 when Michael got home from school.

I made us both a cup of chai and he told me about his classes and his first day. Scott got home and pretty much immediately headed out for his class (5-6:15). Michael and I were hungry so I made us snacks of grilled cheese with basil on hamburger buns (no bread). We had tea and grilled cheese and went over his school stuff. He had about 10 minutes of homework - just finishing a goals worksheet. So he finished that and Scott got home from class.

We were all hungry so Scott suggested we go to The Local Taco down by campus. Scott had been there but Michael and I had not. I felt like I was back in Hawaii since it was all open tot he outside! We shared some salsa roja and chips. I had a tequila lime chicken taco and a steak taco. I really liked the tequilla lime taco and the steak taco was just ok. Scott had a southern fried taco (no tomatoes) which he liked and a steak taco. He HATED the steak so went back and got a spicy shrimp taco also which he said he liked. Michael got a southwestern chicken quesadilla which he liked. It came with black beans which he and I tried and liked but brought home. Here is a link to the menu:
Marinated chicken breast served with verde sauce and tomatoes
Chile spice rubbed Angus Beef with horseradish crema and pico de gallo
Buttermilk fried chicken breast strips with honey lime mayo, lettuce and tomatoes
Buttermilk soaked and crispy fried served with jalapeƱo cole slaw
After dinner we went to Sav's Chill for gelato.  Sav's Grill is West African food, which is delicious. He also had a wonderful locally made ice cream and gelato there. This summer across the street he opened Sav's Chill and moved the ice cream over there. I got pistachio gelato in a waffle cone, though I tried several kinds and want to go back to get more of them! Scott got chocolate peanut butter gelato and Michael got orange sherbet. We all liked what we got a lot!!! Definately will go back. They were out of half the flavors but their shipment comes tomorrow. We plan to go back! While we ate out dessert we took a walk down the street and I took some photos to share.

 Mediterranean and Masala? GREAT! Masala is my favorite Indian restaurant. To combine with a Mediterranean restaurant is brilliant!

We went downtown briefly and went to the Central branch of the library. I took some photos of the Atrium to share. We got Michael a library card so he could access Homework Hotline, an online tutoring resource. 
 Here is one of the horse statues we have all over town. This one has pages from horse books decorating it. These horses are all over and I will try to include photos of others as I see them. Some are inside buildings and some are outside.

 Looking down on the atrium from the third floor. there is a neat clock here. Read about it from the director's blog. There is a Foucault Pendulum clock from the ceiling.
 Looking up at the ceiling from the atrium floor. There is a huge skylight dome and a clock around it. The clock lights up to show what time it is and there is a running horse that marks the seconds.

We left the library and went over to Scott's office in the main Government building. We finally got to see his office and the building. It was neat to finally be able to see where he spends his work hours. We were getting tired and it was getting late so we headed home. Scott and Michael played a couple of games of Modern Warfare 3 and I petted kitties. I fell asleep and was oblivious to the world.

Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very impressed with the food selections! I don't think we have West African food here in Honolulu.

    However, I will say that the first item on the online menu reminded me of my travels through Kenya in 2007. I have a picture in my scrapbook with the caption:

    Goat: It's what's for dinner. Every. Freaking. Night.

